I Leon, Mexiko bestämde sig det tyska spritföretaget Jägermeister för att skoja till det lite genom att släppa ned flytande nitrogen i poolen. Bara det att när den blandades med klorinet i poolen bildades det ett giftigt moln som resulterade i att 8 personer fick föras till sjukhus och en av dom låg i koma i 18 dagar. Ibland blir man fan rejält sur när folk inte tänker till. Hoppas verkligen Jägermeister tar sitt ansvar här och ser till att det aldrig händer igen. Nedan följer mer information:
A party in Leon, Mexico, got slightly less fun when its organizers, from the German spirit company Jägermeister, decided to pour four cans of liquid nitrogen into the pool. The nitrogen, reacting to the chlorine in the water, billowed up in a toxic cloud that engulfed approximately 30 swimmers. Eight of them fainted or fell ill after inhaling the gas and had to be rescued. One man, 21-year-old Jose Ignacio Lopez del Toro, lapsed into a coma and was conveyed to an intensive care unit in central Mexico.
The lawsuits don’t seem far behind. ”Public prosecutors were said to be investigating the organizers of the party, which have so far not been identified,” reports the New York Daily News, adding that four of the victims have already filed a complaint with the state’s attorney general. Furthermore, Mayor Barbara Botello came out in favor of ”reforms to regulate pool parties,” presumably so that it would soon become illegal to dump canisters of potentially noxious chemicals into their midst. (To be fair, liquid nitrogen on its own is not toxic. Neither is Jägermeister, but only technically speaking.) Across the ocean, Jägermeister substituted geographical specificity for true contrition: ”We are aware of this incident in Leon, Mexico, which is currently being investigated by our headquarters here in Germany,” a spokesperson told the Mirror. ”We fully support responsible drinking,” he added, which seems irrelevant until you consider that the decision to uncork the nitrogen may have been a product of irresponsible drinking, or at least that drinking Jägermeister while enshrouded in a terrifying miasma of death does not scream ”safety first!”